Rydale Country Clothing

Quilted Dog Coats & Quilted Jackets

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Decent sizing Decent fit and well made however I think it needs a thicker material as my spaniel ran through some bushes and it now has a year in it. Would be willing to pay more for a more robust material.
Dave Prescott , 1/24/2023
Dog coat Excellent quality and price
Sharon , 12/31/2022
Brilliant jacket Bought the small of my JRT who is tough as old boots but elderly now and needs protected from herself! Easy to get on and off and gives a good level of protection from the weather and has (so far) sto...
Moira, 12/13/2022
Quilted Dog Coats & Quilted Jackets

The Rydale Soft Quilt Dog Coat utilises modern textiles to achieve a high performance jacket for your four legged friend. The quilted dog coat is designed and made right here in the UK from a combination of waterproof textiles. We know our furry friends come in all shapes and sizes so select from 6 sizes, each with adjustable straps to fine tune the fit.

Do let us know if you have any questions with regards to the quilted dog coats and we will be more than happy to help. Whether you have queries about how the coat actually fits your dog, the quilted material or about delivery - we’ll be able to help you and your dog.

Explore our range of quilted dog coats & quilted jackets in the following colours .

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