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Show Season Style 2016

26 Aug 2016 |

With about one month of show season left and Burghley just around the corner, we've decided to put together our hottest and most popular lines into one look which perfectly sums up 2016 Show Season Style.

Rydale 2016 Show Season Style

Our ever-popular ladies 2 for £25 Hannah Shirt prevails at the top of the list, paired with our versatile Tweed Trim Waistcoat to create a functional and stylish top half.

The Tullymore is without a doubt this years favourite boot. This traditional leather riding boot won't break the bank at £60 but offers competitive performance in the field.

A carefully selected Polo Belt ties the look together with an eye-catching equestrian twist.

The really good news is that you don't have to visit us on show to get your hands on this cracking combo. The Tullymore boot is now back in stock and available online right now!

Show Season Tullymore

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